Solar Powered Folk
Results of our recently installed solar panels are in
Our cool old Annandale chocolate factory warehouse sprung a leak. In a recent massive storm, the roof flooded and part of the ceiling caved in. Damn. This was promptly followed by an invasion of Possum/s – anything edible left out was devoured in place. Our furry visitor often expressed thanks all over the desk/floor in a way that’s unacceptable at a dinner party.
Things had to change. We ended up replacing the entire roof. While we were at it, we also covered the top section in solar panels. We even got this nifty app which tells us in real time how much juice the system is generating and a bunch of stats quantifying the dollars/trees/Co2 emissions we’re saving.
And the results are in.
It turns out that the studio uses most power when we’re all here designing away between 8am and 6pm - which, conveniently, is when the sun shines brightest. The projections projected that the 15+ year-life-system, would pay itself in a couple of years. But as our power bills started coming in it turns out we’re not only saving energy but we’re saving money as well.
Every cloud…