New work
Alignment and dialogue
Rebrand for Health Justice Australia
It’s common for GPs to refer patients to mental health practitioners, to nutritionists, to physiotherapists…
Rarely, if ever, to lawyers.
Health Justice Australia exists to highlight and facilitate that change.
Health and legal services that work collaboratively in an integrated way can improve the health, legal and broader social outcomes for vulnerable people.
About Health Justice Australia
Health Justice Australia is the national centre for health justice partnership. It supports the expansion and effectiveness of health justice partnerships by developing research and resources to support these partnerships and developing evidence-based policy advice to governments and policy makers about how they can improve access to justice and health outcomes.
The solution
‘Collaborative ambition’ is the idea behind the rebrand. ‘Mature start-up’ the tone. The identity signals a systematic, transformative and community-minded organisation. The logo features two elements forming one – an H, comprising two Js – which then break out to form quotation marks. Alignment and dialogue.
Folk created the strategy and design, to be rolled out across all on- and off-line collateral.
Folk and legal firm Clayton Utz* offered their services pro bono on the project.
* HJA received a two-year founding grant from the Clayton Utz Foundation. The firm is also providing critical support through pro bono legal, operational and strategic advice.